Research & Development
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Research & Development
Woxmen is a leading multidivisional biotechnology company in India and a global leader in manufacturing eco-friendly enzymatic solutions for a variety of industrial applications.
The research and development process at Woxmen has been developed over the past 20 years, during which time the company has grown from a small start-up to a multinational corporation with more than 100 employees. The process consists of three stages: data collection, brainstorming, and prototyping.

Woxmen focuses on enzyme solutions and new biotechnologies. We believe that there is a great future in this industry because it has the power to create and benefit companies and people. We have been working with big labs in order to create products that can help people with their everyday lives. For example, one of our most popular products is Lactoguard. This product has been used by thousands of people who suffer from diabetes or other diseases related to the pancreas. Our goal is to make these products available for everyone who needs them.
We also focus on developing new enzymes that can be used by companies around the world. These enzymes are not just highly effective at killing harmful organisms, they also reduce the risk of food contamination by closing off pathways that allow bacteria or viruses to grow in foods like meat and fish before they reach consumers’ plates!. Our research and development activities allow us to meet our mission goals, but they are only possible because we have a broad base of support from our investors and partners–including many universities and research facilities around the globe!




